Something in the air

TECHNIQUE: Acrylic paint on recycled materials
MEASURES: 120 x 985 cm.
DATE: 2012

This artwork was created to express sensations of calm and peace, as it was inspired by my arrival in London in 2011, which I experienced as very welcoming.

The work shows one side of that city, from my point of view, where the green and blue colours were selected from the London map because of its parks and ponds. Besides, the shape of a long horizontal line recalls nature and seascapes, which emphasises harmony; nevertheless, it also shows a visible tension between organic and inorganic because of its artificial materials.

Thus, the plastic recycled materials contribute to the idea of lightness, representing space and movement. They come from packaging and transporting, and due to their protecting function there is suspended air inside them. The air in the middle of this physicality was connected with my feeling of transition and adaptation to a new city, without any stability. It was a relaxing position because I had the opportunity to feel free and relaxed at that arrival, pushing away daily life responsibilities for a while.